What are some ways to utilize .styl stylesheets instead of traditional .css files?

I really hope this isn't a silly question, but I've been searching Google and forums for 30 minutes and can't find anything.

I downloaded this npm package (ag-grid) and all their documentation talks about .css files, but the package only has .styl files. I've never dealt with .styl files before, and information on them online is scarce, describing them as some kind of css scripting language.

Is there a way to a) use these .styl files like I would .css files or b) easily convert them to .css?

Answer №1

.styl files are specifically designed for Stylus, a CSS pre-processing language known for simplifying the process of writing extensive amounts of CSS (similar to LESS and SCSS/SASS).

You have the option to compile your .styl files into regular .css using various methods such as task runners, node, or even GUI applications.

  • To automate this process through node, check out this helpful link: Setting up auto compile for stylus
  • If you prefer manual compilation for one-time use in your project, visit this link for guidance:
  • For those interested in using a GUI tool, consider trying out PrePros, a user-friendly application that offers free CSS compilation and other preprocessing capabilities.

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