Month and year selection feature in ExtJS 4 catalog

I recently came across an interesting Fiddle that featured a Month and Year picker for apps. After finding this Fiddle here, I noticed that it was built using Extjs 5.0, and it worked perfectly. However, when attempting to switch it to version 4.2.1, the last row of both Months (June, Dec) and Years (2015, 2020) disappeared. This issue persisted even when reverting back to the Extjs 5.0 version.

What adjustments should I make in order to bring back those rows? I attempted altering the dimensions of .x-monthpicker-body without much success.

Answer №1

To address the problem, I made a temporary fix by adjusting the .x-monthpicker-body with pixels instead of percentages. There is uncertainty about whether this adjustment will cause issues during zooming in or out.

Answer №2

To solve the issue with Extjs 4, I implemented a quick fix using basic CSS styling.

You can see the result in this demo on Sencha Fiddle.

The CSS code I added is shown below:

.x-monthpicker {
    padding-bottom: 35px;

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