Menu Tabs with Rounded Edges

Seeking help to round the corners of a tabbed dynamic menu using Drupal and the dynamic-persistent-menu module. The code provided below is almost perfect, with 99% accuracy. View the current state of the menu here: . Can anyone assist in achieving the remaining 1% perfection and ensure that both navi_top_right.png and navi_top_left.png appear simultaneously?

Below is the HTML I have utilized to create an active menu element:

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  • After numerous attempts with different CSS styles, it seems like I need to turn to the community for assistance!

    Here are the relevant CSS definitions currently being used:

    a.dynamic-persistent-menu-menu-item { background: url(images/backgrounds/business/navi_top_left.png) top left no-repeat; }

    .dynamic-persistent-menu-menu, .dynamic-persistent-menu-menu a:hover {

    background: #093056 url(images/backgrounds/business/navi_top_left.png) top left no-repeat;


    .dynamic-persistent-menu-menu-item {

    background: #093056 url(images/backgrounds/business/navi_top_right.png) top right no-repeat;


    Answer №1

    If you want to achieve rounded corners without using multiple graphics, consider using the `border-radius` property in your CSS.

    This method is compatible with Firefox, Safari, and Chrome but may default to square corners in IE and Opera.

    For more details on this technique, check out this link.

    Answer №2

    If you're looking for a cool visual effect, consider using the 'sliding doors' technique:

    Check out this resource for more information:

    To achieve this effect, give the <li> element a top left corner and the <a> element a top right corner using background images and padding/margin. This allows the text to always fit within the elements.

    I implemented a similar technique on, creating rounded orange corners for a specific block:

    <div id="destwrapheader">
      <h2 style="font-size: 15px;">Discover your ideal Mallorca destination!</h2>
    #destwrapheader {
      background:transparent url(images/mallorca/destinationblock/destination_top_right.png) no-repeat scroll right top;
    #destwrapheader h2 {
      background:transparent url(images/mallorca/destinationblock/destination_top_left.png) no-repeat scroll left top;
    margin:0 28px 0 0;
    padding:0 0 0 12px;

    Similar techniques can be applied for creating rounded corners in other parts of the page as well.

    An issue to keep in mind is ensuring that the active state is indicated on the <li> element rather than just the link itself.

    Alternatively, you could opt to use CSS3 border radius for modern browsers:

    Answer №3

    If you're feeling adventurous, give SpiffyCorners a try! It's a CSS solution that can add some flair to your website. Just be warned, the markup can get a bit tricky.

    Another option is niftyCube, which involves adding a touch of javascript to your site. Check it out here.

    Or, if you're feeling bold, embrace the border-radius property and leave Internet Explorer users in the dust. Who needs 'em, right?

    Answer №4

    Do you think we should insert divs both before and after?

    <style type="text/css> 
      .left_corner { 
        background: #093056 url(left.png) top left no-repeat !important; 
      .right_corner { 
        background: #093056 url(left.png) top right no-repeat !important;
        <div class="left_corner">&nbsp;</div>content<div class="right_corner">&nbsp;</div>

    This method is effective in all web browsers!

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