Adjust the height of a division dynamically

I have the following HTML snippet:

<div id="container">
    <div id="feedbackBox"></div>   

The #feedbackBox div is initially not visible.

To center the div, the CSS code is used:

#container {
    position: absolute; width: 380px; height: 360px; left: 50%; top:50%; padding: 30px;
    margin-left: -220px; margin-top: -210px; 

Now, I want to change the height of #feedbackbox using jQuery.

Here is what I tried:

.expandInfo {
    height: 500px;
    margin-top: -221px;


However, it doesn't seem to work! The CSS class is not applied and the centralized positioning is lost.

Answer №1

The height remains constant due to the conflicting priorities of selectors. (

When setting the height for #container using an ID selector, and for .expandInfo using a class selector, the CSS rules dictate that the ID selector takes precedence over the class selector.

To address this issue, consider this code snippet:

#container.expandInfo {
    height: 500px;
    margin-top: -221px;

This particular selector combines both ID priority and class priority, effectively overriding the height set for #container.

Answer №2

Check out this illustration:

I noticed that you were using #container in the CSS and then removing the class, which doesn't make sense since container doesn't have any class.

In the example provided, the container has a class called "container". When clicked, you can display the box and apply any desired class to it.

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