Web links do not adjust properly on mobile pages

Weblinks are causing issues with responsiveness on my website, as they are increasing the mobile page width and resulting in a poor user experience.

I am currently using the Asona theme.

Please help me resolve this issue - the weblinks are not wrapping to the next paragraph, they are simply appearing in a straight line.https://i.sstatic.net/rLtF2.jpg

Answer №1

consider implementing the overflow-wrap attribute to allow the text to break and wrap onto the next line.

overflow-wrap: break-word;

Answer №2

When dealing with situations where users are more likely to click a link rather than read it, a simple solution is to apply overflow: hidden to the direct container, such as the li elements within the list.

To further indicate that the link is truncated on the screen, you can also include text-overflow: ellipsis; in the styling:

ul.link_list li {
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;

ul.link_list {
  padding: 20px;
<h4>Link List</h4>
<ul class="link_list">
  <li><a href="https://www.example.com/kjhadfkjh/oiuwoijwrv/ljnsvkjns/oiwueroiuwe/kjnsdvkjn/llksuerlkulku/lkamsclkm/lkjaelrkjl">https://www.example.com/kjhadfkjh/oiuwoijwrv/ljnsvkjns/oiwueroiuwe/kjnsdvkjn/llksuerlkulku/lkamsclkm/lkjaelrkjl</a></li>

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