Loading hover images in css through jQuery preloading

Is there a reliable method for preloading CSS hover images using jQuery that anyone knows of?

My ideal scenario would involve adding a class (for example, "pre-load-hover") to any element needing preloading, and then implementing JavaScript in $(document).ready() to iterate through DOM elements with said class, identify their CSS background-image, and load it.

The challenge I'm facing is figuring out how to easily access the location of the hover image. The jQuery selector :hover doesn't seem to provide a solution.

Additionally, I'd like to avoid loading all the stylesheets and searching for the selector using string searches.

Answer №1

Have you considered using CSS sprites as a solution? This method involves combining both the normal and hover images into a single image, and then manipulating the margins (such as using negative margin) to display the desired image. For more information on CSS sprites, you may want to check out this article on CSS sprites.

Answer №2

Here is a snippet I created for preloading images:

preloadImages = (function () {
    var imageArray = [];

    return function () {
        var argumentsArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

        while (argumentsArray.length > 0) {
            imageArray.unshift(new Image());
            imageArray[0].src = argumentsArray.shift();

How to use:

preloadImages('http://example.com/image1.png' /* , 'http://example.com/image2.png' ... */);
preloadImages.apply(this, ['http://example.com/image1.png' /* , 'http://example.com/image2.png' ... */]);

Answer №4

If you're looking for plugins to preload images automatically, there are already a few options available. When it comes to selecting elements using :hover, remember that it is not always a valid selector especially if you need to target other elements. It's best to avoid using it in a selector as it may not work consistently across different browsers.

Answer №5

If you want to take your sprites to the next level, consider creating a sprite sheet and then accessing specific images using coordinates. This technique is used by major companies such as Google and Yahoo to reduce server requests by consolidating multiple images into one request.

Check out this example of a Google sprite sheet

To call individual images with coordinates in CSS:

    background: url(spritesheet.png) -30px -30px no-repeat;
    height: 30px;
    width: 30px;

    background: url(spritesheet.png) -120px -50px no-repeat;
    height: 30px;
    width: 30px;

Remember to add spacing between the icons to avoid issues with certain mobile browsers like Safari on the iPad, which may cut off the background image incorrectly.

Answer №6

http://example.com/preload-images explore the jQuery plugin for image preloading at the link above and use $.preLoadImages() function to preload images like ['/images/1.jpg', '/images/2.jpg', '/images/3.jpg'];

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