How about, "Enhance your website navigation with a sleek anchor

After many attempts to implement smooth scrolling on my Bootstrap project, I have tried numerous Youtube tutorials and Google search results without any success. The latest attempt I made was following this Stack Overflow post Smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link.

I began to suspect that Bootstrap might be causing issues with achieving this effect.

Could Bootstrap be the culprit? Here is a link to my test project:, where the green button triggers the glide effect to the first section

<section id="feature-one"><div class="container" id="start">...
. Clicking on the green button
<a href="#start" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">the anchor button</a>
should smoothly scroll to the desired section. I have been struggling with this for quite some time now, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To resolve the issue with your JavaScript code, simply include the jQuery 3.1.1 library in your jsfiddle as it allows you to utilize jQuery functions.

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