Maintain consistent sidebar height as content changes dynamically

My website has a two-column layout with a sidebar and content section that are both set to equal height when the window loads and resizes. The page is designed to be responsive.

To dynamically arrange blocks within the content area, I am utilizing a jQuery plugin called mixitup. You can find more information about this plugin here.

The challenge I am facing is adjusting the height of the sidebar when the number of blocks changes and causes the content area to also change in height.

Answer №1

Previously, I experimented with using Javascript to adjust sizes like you're looking to do. However, I found it to be an ineffective solution.

If you contain both the sidebar and content within a wrapper, you can achieve this effortlessly. I suggest utilizing flexbox for this. Your code could resemble the following:


<div class='wrapper'>
    <div class='sidebar'>
    <div class='content'>


.wrapper {
    display: flex;
.sidebar {
    flex: 1;
.content {
    flex: 3;

For more information on flexbox, check out this guide:

Flexbox has good support nowadays and can efficiently maintain consistent sizes.

Answer №2

If you're looking for a solution that works across browsers and even with older ones, CSS alone might not be the answer. However, with a small JavaScript function, you can achieve the desired result by setting all elements to the height of the tallest one.

function setEqualHeight($elements) {
    var tallest = 0;
    $elements.each(function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        if ($this.height() > tallest) {
            tallest = $this.height();

Simply trigger this function on page load and whenever the page is resized. It's also a good idea to consider a responsive design for mobile where the height can be set to auto.

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