What is the reason for the countdown number's color remaining the same even after it reaches a specific time threshold?

Creating a simple countdown for sports was my idea, but now I'm stuck on the "changeColor" part that I don't have enough knowledge about.

The countdown is functioning perfectly, but customizing the colors and adding CSS animations seems challenging to me. The issue arises with the last part "changeColor".

For instance, when inputting 60s, it should turn green. If inputted as 29s, it should change to orange. And if entered as 9s, it needs to switch to red.

However, why doesn't it automatically change when going from 30 seconds to 29? It should become orange at that point. The same applies for the transition from 10 to 9 seconds, where it should start blinking and turn red, yet nothing happens.

Below is the script:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#btnct').click(function () {
        CCOUNT = $('#seconds').val();
var t, count;

function cddisplay() {
    document.getElementById('timespan').innerHTML = count;


function countdown() {
    // starts countdown
    if (count === 0) {
        // time is up
    } else {
        t = setTimeout(countdown, 1000);


function cdpause() {
    // pauses countdown

function cdreset() {
    // resets countdown
    count = CCOUNT;

function changeColor() {
if (CCOUNT <= 1000 && CCOUNT > 30) {
document.getElementById('counting1').style.color = "#00CC00";


else if (CCOUNT <= 30 && CCOUNT > 10) {
document.getElementById('timespan').style.color = "#F87217";

else {
document.getElementById('timespan').style.color = "#ff0000";
document.getElementById('timespan').css = ({"text-decoration": "blink", "-webkit-animation-name": "0.2s", "text-decoration": "blink", "-webkit-animation-iteration-count": "infinite", "-webkit-animation-timing-function": "ease-in-out", "-webkit-animation-direction": "alternate"});

I've made it live on baswijdenes.com/simple-countdown for you to view.

EDIT: Here's the HTML code:

<form id="frm">
  <div class="counting">  
    <input type="text" class="input" id="seconds" name="seconds" value="0" size="2" maxlength="4" />    

    <input type="button" class="btn blue" id="btnct" value="Input" />


<div class="counting1" id="counting1">
<span type="text" id="timespan">0</span>
<div id="divaroundbuttons">
<input type="button" class="btn green" value="Start" onclick="countdown()">
<input type="button" class="btn orange" value="Stop" onclick="cdpause()">
<input type="button" class="btn red" value="Reset" onclick="cdreset()">

Answer №1

During my debugging process, I encountered two variables that caused confusion:

  • count

Upon modifying the function countdown() and introducing a console.log(CCOUNT) to monitor the count, it became evident that CCOUNT was not decreasing as expected. After replacing CCOUNT with count, I observed that while the displayed number changed color, it remained fixed.

As a potential solution, I recommend updating the countdown logic to decrement both CCOUNT and count simultaneously:

function countdown() {
    // initiates countdown
    if (CCOUNT === 0) {
        // timer is up
    } else {
        t = setTimeout(countdown, 1000);


Another issue arises with the changeColor() function, where you mentioned the color should switch at 29 and 9 seconds, not 30 and 10 seconds.

I trust this information will be of assistance.

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