Are there any available tools for automatically creating CSS classes based on your HTML code?

Out of pure curiosity, I am wondering if there is a program or script that can automatically generate a style sheet (with empty values) based on the structure of your HTML document. Essentially, it would extract the IDs and classes you have set in your HTML and create placeholder CSS so you don't have to pre-plan it or rewrite it again - keeping the D.R.Y. principle in mind. If you think this could benefit others here, feel free to share your thoughts! Personally, I believe in not repeating anyone else's work, hence my rule of DRABEE (Don't Repeat Any Body Else Either). Thank you!

Answer №1

Have you explored ? It appears to meet your requirements perfectly.

Answer №2

If you're in need of a CSS frame generator, look no further than the one provided by XMS Lab at . It outperforms Primer with its advanced features and user-friendly interface.

Answer №3

Coming in a little late to the discussion, but I wanted to mention another tool that can help with CSS - BearCSS.

Check out BearCSS here!

Important Note

I'm sharing this information to offer more options for CSS generators and provide additional value to this conversation.

After testing all the tools mentioned in this thread, my recommendation is to go with .

Answer №4

After thorough research and comparison of various tools, I have discovered the top-notch solutions available:

For automatic CSS generation from online markup for free, BeeCSS - CSS Generator is your go-to tool:

If you have existing messy CSS that needs cleaning/minifying online at no cost, look no further than BeeCSS - Cleaner Minifier

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