Attempting to consistently place an element at the bottom of my div container

I am attempting to align my

<span class="fechar_fancy">Back/span>
at the bottom of my div, regardless of the height of my content. I want this element to always be positioned at the bottom.

Therefore, I tried using position:absolute and bottom:0 on the element I want to position at the bottom, relative to its container, but it is not working as expected.

Can anyone identify why it is not working?

Here is a link to my fiddle showcasing my attempts:

This is my HTML:

<div id="janela_fancybox-container">
  <div id="janela_fancybox">
    <span id="data">Date time today</span> <br /> 
    <img class="img_principal" src="../image1.jpg"/>
    <span class="fechar_fancy"><strong>Back</strong></span>


    margin:0 auto 0 auto;


#janela_fancybox .img_principal 
    border:5px solid #f3f3f3;

#janela_fancybox #data

#janela_fancybox h2

#janela_fancybox p
    font-size: 14px;  

#janela_fancybox .fechar_fancy

Answer №1

The issue that stands out to me is the CSS rule #janela_fancybox p with height:25px, preventing #janela_fancybox from adjusting its height based on text content. I have removed this height declaration:

#janela_fancybox p {

Furthermore, for the absolutely positioned element, adding left:0 ensures it aligns to the left and expands to 100% width, eliminating the need for float:

#janela_fancybox .fechar_fancy {
    /*float:left; */

To prevent overlap with text content, I included a padding at the bottom of the container to accommodate the "back" link:

#janela_fancybox {  

Example in action on jsfiddle

In this scenario, using position:relative instead of absolute positioning may suffice post-text. However, consider the wider context of your application before making changes.

View the demonstration here.

Answer №2

The issue at hand is that the div#fancybox is not properly clearing the floated elements inside it. One solution could be to apply the clearfix class and include it in the div#fancybox. Additionally, there seems to be a specified height on the p tag which is causing the text to exceed that limit (consider removing it).

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