Stop the background from scrolling and prevent auto-jumping to the top on mobile devices

When users click on the hamburger icon in the top right of our mobile site, I want the drop-down menu to appear and be scrollable without the background scrolling. I tried using JavaScript to set the body to fixed when the menu icon is clicked, but this caused the website to jump to the top of the page, which is not the desired behavior. I want the background page to remain in place when the user clicks on the menu button.

Below is the code that I have already attempted for this issue.


jQuery(function($) {
  $(".x-btn-navbar").on("click", function() {


.noScroll {
    position: fixed;

EDIT Check out our website here:

Answer №1

Using "href="#" in a link will cause the page to scroll to the top. To avoid this issue, make sure to provide the correct URL like href="".

Styling with CSS:

.noScroll {
    overflow: hidden;

Implementing with JavaScript:

jQuery(function($) {
  $(".x-btn-navbar").on("click", function() {
    $("html, body").toggleClass("noScroll");

This will make the <body> unscrollable upon clicking the designated button.

Answer №2

To address the issue of the page jumping to the top when clicking the menu button, start by removing the CSS position fixed from the no-scroll class. This will allow the menu to be scrollable without causing the page to jump. If you want to prevent the page behind the open menu from scrolling when the menu is open, you can use JavaScript event listeners like this:

EventTarget.addEventListener('scroll', noscroll);

Give the body an ID and apply the event listener to that element when the menu is opened. Remember to remove the event listener when the menu is closed:


It's important to keep the content of the page separate from the menu to avoid unintended scrolling behavior. Applying the no-scroll class to the body may affect the menu if it is a child of the body.

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