Ways to stop a CSS class from being applied to a checkbox

Imagine that I have the following CSS class in my general.css file, which is being used in default.aspx:

Inside general.css there is a class named checkbox{ .... } and in default.aspx I have one checkbox like this:

<input type='checkbox' />

So when the page loads, the checkbox class gets applied to my checkbox. However, I want to prevent the checkbox class from being applied to this specific checkbox. The condition is that I cannot make any changes to general.css and I also can't remove the reference to general.css from default.aspx. The only solution is to modify the input tag.

Answer №1

When it comes to checkboxes, remember that the term "checkbox" itself is not a class.

If you want to target a checkbox as a class in CSS, make sure to include the dot before its name like this: ".checkbox".

To apply CSS styling exclusively to a specific element, consider using an ID.

<input type='checkbox' id='styledCheckbox'/>

In your CSS file, you can then style this checkbox by referring to its ID:


Answer №2

Imagine you define the CSS like this:

input[type='checkbox'] {
    border: 2px solid red;

Now, let's add a new class:

input[type='checkbox'].notdefault {
    border: none;

After that, update your input element:

<input type="checkbox" class="notdefault" />

You can either place the new class in a separate CSS file or directly embed it in the ASPX page.

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