JavaScript array images are not showing when using the img tag

For this module, I am working on creating a flipbook (magazine) using images stored in a JavaScript array. However, I am facing an issue where the images are not loading up properly. Instead of displaying the image, it shows as [object" htmlimageelement]="". I have checked and confirmed that the directory for my images is correct. It seems like there might be something missing in my JavaScript code.


        <link href="jqmodule.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src="jqmodule.js" type="text/javascript"></script>      
        <script src="jquery.easing.1.3.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script src="jquery.booklet.latest.js" type="text/javascript"></script>     
    <body class="body_div">
        <div class="container">         
            <div class="main clearfix">
                <div class="custom_wrapper">
                    <div id="mybook" class="booklet"></div>             


var heading=['background-size','Using transform and the transform functions','Audio','CSS 1, CSS 2.1, CSS3 ...','The benefits of CSS3'];
    var para = new Array();
    para[0] = new Image();
    para[0].src = 'images/1.jpg';
    para[1] = new Image();
    para[1].src = 'images/2.jpg';
    para[2] = new Image();
    para[2].src = 'images/3.jpg';
$(function() {  
    var str="";
    for(var i=0;i<para.length;i++)
        str+="<div class=\"b-page-blank\"><h1>"+heading[i]+"</h1><img src="+para[i]+"/></div>";                                 
    $('#mybook').booklet({ name: "Booklet" });  

Answer №1

Trying out this method may offer a cleaner and more troubleshoot-friendly approach,

var info = [
    {title:'Responsive design',picture:'/images/1.jpg'}, 
    {title:'CSS transformations',picture:'/images/2.jpg'}, 
    {title:'Video integration',picture:'/images/3.jpg'}
    // ...

$(function() {  
    var content="";
        content+="<div class=\"b-page-blank\"><h1>"+item.title+"</h1><img src=\""+item.picture+"\" /></div>";                                 
    //... remainder of code

Give it a try, hope this suggestion proves useful.

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