What is the method for adding an event listener in AngularJS within an ng-repeat iteration?

I'm completely new to AngularJS and currently working on building a photo gallery. The basic idea is to have an initial page displaying thumbnail photos from Twitter and Instagram using an AngularJS ng-repeat loop. When a user hovers over an image, I want it to fade with a button for interaction. However, there seems to be an issue as the hover effect affects all images instead of just the one being hovered over. I've used ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseleave for this functionality, but it's not behaving as expected. Any help to troubleshoot this would be highly appreciated! Below is the code snippet along with a link to view it online: Check out the demo here

        * {
            box-sizing: border-box;
            font-family: sans-serif;
        /* Styles omitted for brevity */

   <!-- Code snippet to showcase the issue goes here -->

    // JavaScript logic for handling the functionality

Hello everyone, I received great assistance from Aaron earlier regarding my project. However, I stumbled upon another challenge while developing the light-box feature for the app. When clicking on the 'VIEW' button, the overlay displays only the first image in the collection regardless of which image was clicked. This seems to be another problem related to the ng-repeat function. Each object contains the main image URL at x.mainImage.url, which should be accessed through the ng-repeat loop with x.mainImage.url. Unfortunately, the implementation isn't working as intended. Any suggestions or guidance on how to fix this issue would be immensely helpful. Here's the relevant code snippet below and you can also check it out online: View the demo here

    * {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        font-family: sans-serif;
    /* Additional styles are included */

<!-- Revised code block showcasing the issue -->

    // Custom JavaScript functions to control the light-box behavior.

Answer №1

While you inquired about implementing this the Angular way, it's essential to note that ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseleave come with high performance costs. In a real-world application, it is recommended to handle these interactions using CSS.

Let me demonstrate how to resolve the issues in your approach and provide you with a more efficient CSS solution :)

In this scenario, the $index variable proves to be valuable as it can be utilized within an angular template under an ng-repeat tag to capture the index of the current data item being looped through. You should utilize this variable to store the index of the currently hovered item in the controller scope. Subsequently, when the mouse moves away from the item, you can discard the stored index.

When applying styles, leverage a ternary operator to assign active or inactive styles based on whether the item's index matches the saved active index variable on the scope.

In case you are unfamiliar, a ternary expression serves as a concise form of a conditional statement i.e.,

conditional_expression ? value_returned_if_true : value_returned_if_false
. It offers a succinct means of crafting conditional statements in javascript (or an angular template which interprets javascript in this instance).

For this demonstration, I combine a ternary expression with saving the index of the last item entered by the mouse to allocate hover or non-hovered styles to each item.

This is an abbreviated version mimicking your example:

Angular controller:

app.controller('exampleController', function($scope) {
  $scope.overlayColorStyles = { "opacity": 0 };
  $scope.overlayTextStyles = { "opacity": 0 };
  $scope.overlayTextStylesActive = { "opacity": 1 };
  $scope.overlayColorStylesActive = { "opacity": .75 };
  $scope.activeItemIndex = null;


<div id="outer" class="outer">
  <div class="inner"
      ng-mouseenter="$scope.activeItemIndex = $index"
      ng-mouseleave="$scope.activeItemIndex = null"
      ng-repeat="x in insideData">
      <img ng-if="x.service=='Instagram'||(x.service=='Twitter' && x.mediaType=='image')" ng-src='{{x.thumbnails[0].url}}'>
      <div ng-if="x.service=='Twitter'&& x.mediaType!='image'" class="outer-caption"><div class="inner-caption">{{x.caption}}</div></div>
      <div class="overlay-color"
        ng-style="$scope.activeItemIndex === $index ? overlayColorStylesActive : overlayColorStyles">
      <div class="overlay-text"
        ng-style="$scope.activeItemIndex === $index ? overlayTextStylesActive : overlayTextStyles">

It should be noted that this code should mainly serve as a learning exercise. Angular's primary role does not involve styling based on user interactions. Attempting to do so may significantly slow down your application, especially with an increasing number of items. Utilizing CSS for this purpose will result in notably better performance :)

CSS alternative below:


<div id="outer" class="outer">
  <div class="inner"
      ng-repeat="x in insideData">
      <img ng-if="x.service=='Instagram'||(x.service=='Twitter' && x.mediaType=='image')" ng-src='{{x.thumbnails[0].url}}'>
      <div ng-if="x.service=='Twitter'&& x.mediaType!='image'" class="outer-caption"><div class="inner-caption">{{x.caption}}</div></div>
      <div class="overlay-color"></div>
      <div class="overlay-text">VIEW</div>


.overlay-color {
  opacity: 0.0;

.overlay-text {
  opacity: 0.0;

.inner:hover .overlay-text {
  opacity: 1.0;

.inner:hover .overlay-color {
  opacity: 0.75;

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