Ways to modify CSS rules by adding or removing the !important declaration in new CSS

For my project, I am using the `bootstrap-next-table` table in various places and have customized a CSS class to fit my needs.

The issue I am currently encountering is that one component requires the default CSS class which I had overridden:

.table > thead {
    display: none !important;

However, in another file, I now need this to be changed to:

.table > thead {
    display: block;

How can I accomplish this task?

Answer №1

To increase the specificity of a selector, you can add the `!important` declaration in your CSS style. Below is a simple HTML/CSS example that can be modified for React's `className` attribute.

.table > thead {
  display: none !important;

.table > thead.box {
  display: block !important;
<table class="table">

<table class="table">
  <thead class="box">

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