Is the ng bootstrap modal within Angular failing to show up on the screen

In the midst of working on my project, I encountered an issue with opening a modal using ng bootstrap. Although I found a similar thread discussing this problem, it did not include bootstrap css.

I decided to reference this example in hopes of resolving the modal opening issue.

Upon clicking the button to open the modal, I noticed that the modal was being appended to the DOM (visible through inspection tools), but it remained invisible on the screen.

In my .angular-cli.json file, I included the bootstrap css as follows:

"styles": [

When examining the page source, I confirmed that the Bootstrap css was indeed present in the styles.bundle.js.

Update 1: Upon inspection, I discovered that the opacity for ngb-modal-window was set to 0. Changing it to 1 made the popup visible, but its position was off-center and skewed towards the top. Please see the image for reference:

Answer №1

To apply styling, CSS can be used by following this format:

@import url('../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css');
within the 'styles.css' file

In certain scenarios, ngx-bootstrap may not function exactly as anticipated in Angular 2/4.

Answer №2

Encountering the identical problem while attempting to integrate ng-bootstrap with bootstrap 3? Utilizing ng-bootstrap-to-bootstrap-3 and adhering to the provided guidelines proved to be a lifesaver for me.

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