Combine table cells to improve readability on smaller screens

I currently have a setup designed for larger screens:

            <th>title and image</th>
                <br /><img scr="">
                few words about...

However, I am looking to modify it for smaller screens with the following code:

            <th>title and description</th>
                <br />few words about...

If anyone knows how to accomplish this using CSS techniques or other programming languages like PHP and JS, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you all and have a wonderful day!

Answer №1

If you want to change the layout of rows and cells using CSS within a media query, you can achieve this by converting the rows to cells and the cells to inline elements with the following code:

tr {
  display: table-cell;

td {
  display: inline;
      <th>title and image</th>
        <br /><img scr="">
        few words about...

Answer №2

If you want to customize your CSS based on the display properties, you can use a media query. This allows you to apply specific styles for different screen sizes, such as targeting large screens with min-width(700px) or small screens with max-width(320px).

To avoid repeating code in your markup, consider using PHP to render it instead. You can store repetitive markup in variables and reference them when needed.


@media (min-width: 321px) {
    .small-screen {
        display: none;

@media (max-width: 320px) {
    .large-screen {
        display: none;


        <tr class="large-screen">
            <th>title and image</th>
        <tr class="small-screen">
            <th>title and description</th>
        <tr class="large-screen">
                <br /><img scr="">
                few words about...

        <tr class="small-screen">
                <br />few words about...

Answer №3

Utilizing CSS media queries, you can display the "wideDisplay" and hide the "narrowDisplay" when the browser or screen width is above a certain threshold. Conversely, when the browser is smaller, you can hide "wideDisplay" and show "narrowDisplay".

<td class="wideDisplay">title and image</td>
<td class="wideDisplay">description</td >
<td class="narrowDisplay">title and description</td>

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