Nightwatch failing to locate element within iFrame

I'm currently facing a challenge when trying to access an element within an iframe. Despite successfully switching to the frame, Nightwatch keeps returning "element not found" whenever I attempt to verify its presence or visibility.

Below is a snippet of my code:

'User should be able to select client' : function(browser){
     var mainframe;
      .waitForElementPresent("#cpmInteractionDivFrame", 45000)
      .element('css selector', 'cpmInteractionDivFrame', function(result){
          mainframe = result.value; 
          browser.frame(mainframe, function(result){
           .waitForElementVisible('#ClientProfileID', 35000)
          .waitForElementVisible('[option selected value="6032"]', 15000)  

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have any insights on what might be causing this problem?

-Appreciate your support

Answer №1

My experience with this process was like so -

       Using the browser's XPath functionality,
       clicking on a specific element within a video card,
       navigating inside an iframe to locate content,
       waiting for a certain element to become visible,
       returning to the main page and ending the process.

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