Verifying the compatibility of a font with MathJax on untried devices

Within the style sheet of my website, I have implemented the following code:

.mi, .mo {
    font-family: 'Charter', 'MathJax_Math' !important;

Instead of focusing on whether this will always produce satisfactory results for users if an optimal version of Charter is available (which has worked well for me so far), I am curious if there is a way to guarantee that it will function properly on machines where I cannot directly test it. While this transition is smooth for individuals without Charter installed, I am wondering if there are different versions of Charter in circulation lacking certain features found in my specific version.

Could there be variations of Charter that perform better or worse when rendering MathJax? If so, how can these variants be identified and tested, potentially excluding less capable versions?

Please note that this inquiry does not pertain to downloading Charter alongside web pages. If a user lacks Charter, they likely won't mind defaulting to MathJax's standard font. My goal is to ensure that users with Charter see MathJax displayed in the same font, while also avoiding any negative experience for those with subpar versions of Charter (if such versions exist).

Answer №1

MathJax does not currently support the use of Charter-like font.

Despite the limited number of fonts supported by MathJax, whether they are webfonts or locally installed, you can refer to the documentation for more information (specifically under availableFonts and webFont). Overriding fonts using !important may result in poor quality typesetting since MathJax cannot access the necessary font metrics due to browser limitations. MathJax will load pre-compiled font data dynamically for supported fonts instead.

If you wish to add Charter font support to MathJax, you can utilize the MathJax development tools, but keep in mind that Charter may not have many mathematical characters resulting in lower rendering quality once again.

However, if you only require text boxes within mathematical content to use Charter, this is indeed possible. Simply configure MathJax to inherit the surrounding font for text boxes by setting mtextFontInherit = true.

Answer №2

There is no way to guarantee the use of an "ideal" version of Charter by simply using font-family: 'Charter'. This declaration only instructs the browser to use a font named "Charter," without specifying its exact design characteristics. CSS does not provide any means to examine the properties of a font, either technically or in terms of design.

In reality, there are multiple variations of Charter available, such as a free version and a more extensive commercial version with differences, which can be found on websites like

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