Unable to append Jquery attribute to a div component

My code snippet is creating a div with specific classes and elements:

'<div class="ctrl-info-panel col-md-12 col-centered">'+
    '<h2>You do not have any projects created at the moment.</h2>'+
    '<div id="t1" style="display:inline-flex"  data-toggle="tooltip">'+
        '<p><a href="create_project.jag" class="cu-level2-btn btn-add-new-dark ' + appendCreateprojectDisabled(noOfDatasets) + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Create Project"><span>Create Project</span></a></p>'+

In my attempt to modify an attribute within #t1, I wrote the following function:

 function appendCreateprojectDisabled(noOfDatasets) {
        var classAppend = '';
        if(noOfDatasets == 0) {
            $("#t1").attr('title','No datasets available');
            classAppend = 'cu-level-btn-disabled';  
        return classAppend;

However, despite providing a value for noOfDatasets as 0, the expected attribute is not being added. The tooltip text does not show up as intended. What could be causing this issue?

It is important to note that the value of noOfDatasets is set to 0.

Answer №1

Your question can be clarified by considering the sequence in which your code is executed.

Upon executing the function

, it searches for the element $("#t1"). However, this element does not currently exist because the corresponding HTML string has not yet been added to the document:

'<div class="ctrl-info-panel col-md-12 col-centered">'+
                                '<h2>You do not have any projects created at the moment.</h2>'+
                                '<div id="t1" style="display:inline-flex"  data-toggle="tooltip">'+
                                    '<p><a href="create_project.jag" class="cu-level2-btn btn-add-new-dark ' + appendCreateprojectDisabled(noOfDatasets) + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Create Project"><span>Create Project</span></a></p>'+

It becomes apparent from the provided code snippet that there is an element with the ID t1, which does not yet exist when the function

is invoked.

Answer №2

In this case, the dynamic creation of the div using JavaScript results in a simple string being present here. There are two options for you to consider.

Firstly, you need to display it on the page.

var htmlString = '<div class="ctrl-info-panel col-md-12 col-centered">'+
                            '<h2>You do not have any projects created at the moment.</h2>'+
                            '<div id="t1" style="display:inline-flex"  data-toggle="tooltip">'+
                                '<p><a href="create_project.jag" class="cu-level2-btn btn-add-new-dark ' + appendCreateprojectDisabled(noOfDatasets) + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Create Project"><span>Create Project</span></a></p>'+
function appendCreateprojectDisabled(noOfDatasets) {

var classAppend = '';

    $("#aDivInYourPage").html(htmlString);//after register your div you can find your 't1' div. if not it will be undefuned for you. 

    if(noOfDatasets == 0) {
        $("#t1").attr('title','No datasets available');
        classAppend = 'cu-level-btn-disabled';  
    return classAppend;

The alternative approach is to designate a unique character within your div, such as {TitleAttribute}, and replace it with the specific attribute like title='No datasets available'.

Answer №3

To convert a string to an HTML element, you can use the following code snippet:

 $(document).ready(function () {
  function appendCreateprojectDisabled(noOfDatasets, divElement) {
    var classAppend = '';
    if (noOfDatasets == 0) {
      divElement.find("#t1").attr('title', 'No datasets available');
      classAppend = 'cu-level-btn-disabled';
    return classAppend;

  var divElement = '<div class="ctrl-info-panel col-md-12 col-centered">' +
                   '<h2>You do not have any projects created at the moment.</h2>' +
                   '<div id="t1" style="display:inline-flex"  data-toggle="tooltip">' +
                   '</div>' +
  divElement = $(divElement);
  var paraElement = '<p><a href="create_project.jag" class="cu-level2-btn btn-add-new-dark ' + appendCreateprojectDisabled(0, divElement) + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Create Project"><span>Create Project</span></a></p>'
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

This script will assist you in achieving your objective.

Answer №4

Try using the following method:

var className = "";
var className = appendCreateProjectDisabled(numberOfDatasets);

Once you have verified that className has a value, you can insert your HTML code wherever needed.

var htmlCode = '<div class="ctrl-info-panel col-md-12 col-centered">' +
        '<h2>You currently do not have any projects created.</h2>' +
        '<div id="t1" style="display:inline-flex"  data-toggle="tooltip">' +
        '<p><a href="create_project.jag" class="cu-level2-btn btn-add-new-dark ' + className + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Create Project"><span>Create Project</span></a></p>' +
        '</div>' +

You can now utilize this piece of HTML in your desired location. The function below will be executed first.

function appendCreateProjectDisabled(numberOfDatasets) {
        var className = '';
        if(numberOfDatasets == 0) {
            $("#t1").attr('title','No datasets available');
            className = 'cu-level-btn-disabled';  
        return className;

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