Exploring JavaFX and FXML TreeTableView customization for column and header styles

I've been working on a JavaFX project and I'm having trouble customizing the style of the TreeTableView header or columns, like changing the color, width, font size, etc. I've tried using various codes like these but none seem to work.




However, I did manage to change the row style using this code:


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Answer №1

Although this question may be dated, I wanted to share an answer for anyone who stumbles upon this post.

When it comes to styling a tree table view (following the general CSS guidelines of styling parent components and their children), we need to target the Tree Table View as the parent element in our CSS selector, followed by the specific child element we want to style. For example:

.tree-table-view .column-header { 
   /* Add your CSS styles here */
.tree-table-view .header {
/* Add your CSS styles here */
.tree-table-view .column {
 /* Add your CSS styles here */

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