Customize Tab indicator styling in Material-UI

Currently, I am attempting to customize the MUI tab by changing the indicator from a line to a background color. Through my research, I discovered that using TabIndicatorProps and setting a style of display:none eliminates the indicator completely. However, when I try

, the line color changes but I'm struggling to make it span the entire background instead of just a line.

I experimented with some potential solutions, such as adding height:100% to the TabIndicatorProps, which resulted in creating the background but obscured the text within the tab. Likewise, applying opacity: .8 gave me the desired effect, but the text became too dark and I was unable to adjust it for active tabs.

Expected Tab Image Current Tab Image

<Box sx={{ width: '100%', bgcolor: 'background.paper' }}>
            <Tabs TabIndicatorProps={{
                style: {
                    backgroundColor: '#D2603D',
                    borderRadius: '5px',
            }} value={value} onChange={handleChange}>
                <Tab textColor='blue' onClick={handleClick} sx={{
                    backgroundColor: '#F4F5F9',
                    borderRadius: '5px',

                }} label="Daily" />
                < Tab sx={{
                    backgroundColor: '#F4F5F9',

                }} label="Weekly" />
                <Tab sx={{
                    backgroundColor: '#F4F5F9',
                    borderRadius: '5px'
                }} label="Monthly" />
        </Box >

Answer №1

It doesn't seem feasible to achieve this in a straightforward manner. Options include resorting to less elegant solutions or completely revamping the functionality.

The tab labels are represented by <button> elements, while the tab indicator is a <span> positioned above these buttons. If you want the labels to appear above the indicator, you will need to either rearrange the hierarchy of HTML elements or introduce a secondary label above the indicator.

Unfortunately, it's not possible for the tab indicator to slide behind the button text but in front of the button background.

Here are some suboptimal ("dirty") workarounds:

  1. You can rearrange the stacking order of the HTML elements.

This can be achieved using the z-index property. You have to assign specific z-index values to the buttons and ensure that the button backgrounds remain transparent.

Take caution if there are other elements with existing z-index values or if they need to stay behind the buttons; in such cases, their z-index values might also need adjustment.

<Tab label="Daily" style={{ zIndex: 1 }} />
<Tab label="Weekly" style={{ zIndex: 1 }} />
<Tab label="Monthly" style={{ zIndex: 1 }} />
  1. You could append the current label as a child of the tab indicator, matching its style with the original label. Additionally, you would need to pass the current label so that it moves with the indicator or remains empty during sliding.
const IndicatorLabel = ({ label }) => {
  return <span className={'indicator-label'}>
    { label }

// ...

    // ...
    children: <IndicatorLabel label={ currentLabel } />

// ...
  1. You could dynamically set the background color of the <button>, bypassing the use of the indicator altogether. However, this approach sacrifices the sliding effect.

  2. Alternatively, you could create your own custom tab indicator from scratch instead of relying on the MUI tab indicator.

Answer №2

Even though this may seem outdated, it could still be useful for anyone who is searching for a solution.

In MUI5, you can customize Tabs with styles using the code snippet below:

import { Tabs as MuiTabs } from '@mui/material';
import { styled } from '@mui/material';

const Tabs = styled(MuiTabs)(({ theme }) => ({
    '& .MuiTab-root': {
        margin: "8px 5px 8px 5px",
        borderRadius: "6px",
        lineHeight: 0,
        minHeight: "unset",
        padding: "16px",
        color: "grey",
        fontWeight: 700,
    '& .MuiTab-root.Mui-selected': {
        backgroundColor: "#ff7100",
        fontWeight: 700,
        color: "white"

export default Tabs

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