Verify the accuracy of the color value on a web page using Selenium in Java

As a beginner in using Selenium with Java, I encountered an issue related to a symbol in my connected class turning green. I needed to assert whether the symbol actually changed its color.

Below is the code snippet that I used:

 Boolean connectionSymbolGreenValue = driver.findElement(By.className("connected")).isEnabled();
    System.out.println("Green Signal" + connectionSymbolGreenValue);

Despite trying this code, even if the condition fails, it still returns true. I'm wondering if there's any mistake in my code. Any suggestions for a solution?

Answer №1

Trying to find a class called "connected" with a green symbol using the .isEnabled() method may not be effective.


The .isEnabled() function checks if the element is currently enabled or not, returning true for most elements except disabled input ones.


To solve this, look for an attribute (style) that uniquely identifies the greenness value of the symbol. Extract the String value and use Assert.assertTrue() to compare it with the actual greenness value:

String connectionSymbolGreenValue = driver.findElement(By.className("connected")).getAttribute("attribute_containing_greenness_value");
System.out.println("Green Signal"+connectionSymbolGreenValue);

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