What is the method used by Chrome dev tools to create CSS selectors?

When setting a new style rule for an element, Chrome generates a selector that includes the entire hierarchy of elements instead of just the class name.

For instance:

      <div class="container">
           <span class="helper"></span>

When adding a new style rule for .helper, the generated selector will be something like body > div > span rather than simply .helper. This brings up the question as to why this occurs.

Answer №1

When analyzing a browser's implementation, it is difficult to provide an exact assessment without examining the source code. However, it is important for the browser to ensure that any style rules added only apply to the specific element in the working Document Object Model (DOM). Classes, which are used to group related elements, may not always be suitable for this purpose.

The way classes function means that the browser cannot assume that a particular class is only assigned to a specific element like a span, as it does not have knowledge of how the HTML is authored. This complexity is demonstrated in the example given by NichoDiaz: a class such as .helper may not necessarily be limited to just a body > div > span, but could also extend to a body > div > div > span now or in the future.

Instead of assuming based on the class, the browser makes assumptions about the structure of the elements, which is more reliable. By recognizing that there is only one span that is a child of a div within the body, it generates the selector body > div > span for the element where the style rule is applied. Adding :nth-child(1) to the selector can help control which elements the style rule affects when multiple elements are present.

If a second span element is added after creating a style rule for the first element, the browser will generate a more specific selector like

body > div > span:nth-child(1)
. This specificity helps to avoid unintentionally applying the style rule to both elements, emphasizing the intention to highlight and style a single specific element.

Answer №2

There could be various reasons for the issue you are experiencing. Without knowing the specific attributes involved, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. It would also be helpful to see your CSS code.

From what I gather, you are inquiring about why when you use <span class"helper">, it inherits attributes from its parent div and the body element as well.

This behavior may be due to the fact that the span element is nested within both the body and div elements.

Another explanation could be demonstrated through a functional example on a tool like jsfiddle

In scenarios with conflicting elements, there might be issues arising. In my provided sample, the !important tag is applied to give precedence to the color attribute of the span class. However, the following line works correctly.

      <div class="container">
           <span class="helper">I am being applied</span>
              <span class="helper">I am helper but i am not red</span>

body > div > span {
    color: red !important;
.helper { color: green }

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