Line breaking by syllables using CSS

When it comes to CSS properties, the word-break attribute is able to split words across lines at specific points (such as the first character extending beyond a certain length). Surprisingly, there seems to be no existing CSS method (even with limited support) for breaking words down into syllables like in traditionally printed books:

... the hymn, which Jude repeated under the sway of a poly-
theistic fancy that he would never have thought of...

Although I acknowledge that
(i) this feature may not frequently be needed on computers (due to dynamic reflow and justification), and
(ii) it would necessitate a hyphenation dictionary on the client's end.
However, it could prove beneficial for extremely long words (think James Joyce!) or simply to emulate the style found in printed materials; especially since modern browsers already offer spell-check capabilities, implementing hyphenation shouldn't pose significant obstacles.

With HTML's lang attribute, we can generally assume the language used; if the required dictionary isn't accessible, graceful degradation could come into play by using an alternative wrapping method.

Therefore, the question arises: Has there been any serious consideration given to syllable breaking within CSS? Or has this concept been dismissed altogether? Could we possibly anticipate its integration in upcoming developments?

Answer №1

If you're searching for the property called hyphens, make sure to use the lang HTML attribute as well, since hyphenation is language-dependent.

The browser can break words at appropriate hyphenation points based on its rules, but predefined line break opportunities will take precedence over automatic breaks when specified.

Note: The behavior of the auto setting relies on proper language tagging to apply the correct hyphenation rules. To ensure automatic hyphenation in a specific language, be sure to specify the language using the lang HTML attribute.

Learn more here

p {
  float: left;
  width: 250px;
  margin: auto 20px;
  border: solid 1px;
  hyphens: auto
<p>The browser is free to automatically break words at appropriate hyphenation points, following whatever rules it chooses. However, suggested line break opportunities (see Suggesting line break opportunities below) will override automatic break point selection
  when present.</p>

<p lang="en">The browser is free to automatically break words at appropriate hyphenation points, following whatever rules it chooses. However, suggested line break opportunities (see Suggesting line break opportunities below) will override automatic break point selection
  when present.</p>

Additionally, the :lang() pseudo-class is closely associated.

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