Changing CSS image properties: A step-by-step guide

I've come across a strange conflict between Twitter Bootstrap (2.2.1) and Ad-Gallery in Internet Explorer.

It seems that certain lines in bootstrap.min.css are causing issues, preventing images from displaying:


By removing the following two lines, everything works fine:


However, instead of removing those lines altogether, I've been attempting to override them without success using these approaches:

.ad-gallery img{width:default;height:default;}
.ad-gallery img{width:none;height:none;}
.ad-gallery img{width:auto;height:auto;}

Is there a way to successfully override these properties?

By the way, there are no issues with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. You can see an example with the original Bootstrap min CSS file here, which is not functioning correctly.

Here is a working example with a modified version of bootstrap-modified.min.css here.

Answer №1

element is displaying some interesting information regarding the styling of a parent div that contains an image. The in-line styles within this parent div are causing the image to have zero dimensions, leading to some issues with rendering on different browsers. It seems that the problem lies within a JavaScript plugin called, which is responsible for calculating the dimensions and position of the container containing the image. Due to IE returning zero dimensions for the image, the parent div ends up with zero dimensions as well. To resolve this issue, it is suggested to address the JavaScript problem rather than relying on additional CSS styles. As a temporary fix, adding specific rules to the css can also help override the problematic dimensions set by the JavaScript. Overall, understanding and fixing the underlying JavaScript issue will likely solve the problem at hand without the need for extra CSS modifications.

Answer №2

JavaScript Section

    var galleries = $('.ad-gallery').adGallery({
        effect: ($.browser.msie) ? 'none' : 'slide-hori',
        callbacks: {
            afterImageVisible: function() {
                if ($.browser.msie) {
                    var img = this.current_image.find('img');
                    var size = this._getContainedImageSize(img.width(), img.height());
                    img.css('margin-left', (this.current_image.width() - img.width()) / 2);
                    img.css('margin-top', (this.current_image.height() - img.height()) / 2);

Cascading Style Sheets Section

<!--[if IE]>
    .ad-gallery .ad-image {
        left: 0 !important;
        top: 0 !important;
        width: inherit !important;
        height: inherit !important;

Answer №3

The issue seems to be related to the selector hierarchy in the DOM structure. You can attempt to resolve it by using the following CSS code:

.ad-gallery img{width:auto!important;}

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