Validation of forms - Must include one particular word from a given set

I am in the process of utilizing Javascript to validate an input field with the specific formatting requirements outlined below:

  • "WORD1,WORD2"

The input must contain a comma separating two words, without any spaces. The first word (WORD1) can be any word, but the second word (WORD2) has to be one of the following options:

  • "USD", "AUD", "BTC", "CAD", "CHF", "EUR", "GBP", "ETH", "JPY", "NZD"

If the input does not contain any of the designated words for WORD2, the validation will fail. For instance: "ASDA,USD" would pass validation, while "ASDA,ASD" would not.

How should I proceed with coding this? Here's what I've developed so far for uppercasing validation.


function cryptoValidate() {

var cryptoBaseCurrencies = ("USD", "AUD", "BTC", "CAD", "CHF", "EUR", "GBP", "ETH", "JPY", "NZD");

  let x = document.getElementById("inputText4").value;
  let text;
    if (x.toUpperCase() != x) {
      document.getElementById('demo2').style.display = "block";
      text = "Crypto and base must be uppercase";
      document.getElementById("inputText4").value = '';
        else if WORD FORMATTING HERE {
        document.getElementById('demo2').style.display = "block";  
        text = "Missing the correct base currency"
        document.getElementById("inputText4").value = '';
        else {
          text = "Input OK";
          document.getElementById('demo2').style.display = "none";
          document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = text;


<div class="col-auto">

<input type="text" id="inputText4" class="form-control" aria-describedby="TextHelpInline" placeholder="e.g. BTC,USD"/>

<div class="col-auto">
<button id="inputTextBtn4" class="btn set-btn" onclick="cryptoValidate()">Add</button>
<p id="demo2" style="display: none"></p>

Answer №1

Opt for a Selection

(code adapted to accommodate any text prefix)

Selections are commonly utilized to restrict choices to a specified set of values, reducing the unnecessary intricacy of parsing and validating user input. Thus, in this resolution, "word2" has been transformed into a <select> featuring currency abbreviations.

The text prefix, referred to as "word1", is an input element with a pattern attribute set. This pattern permits 1-5 letters without spaces, although it can be adjusted as needed. User input undergoes validation through code utilizing the checkValidity method before being converted to uppercase.

Following successful validation, the code generates a string that combines: word1,word2

rate.addEventListener("change", e => {

  let el = rate.querySelector("input");

  if (el.checkValidity()) {

    let word1 = el.value.toUpperCase();
    let word2 = rate.querySelector("option:checked").value;

    console.log("You selected: ", word1 + "," + word2);

    // take necessary action
  else {
     console.log("Invalid input");

body {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  padding: 1em;

#rate input:invalid ~ span:after {
  content: "Please enter 1-5 characters without spaces";
  color: red;
  display: block;
  font-size: 0.8rem;
<span id="rate">
  <input type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z]{1,5}" spellcheck=false placeholder="enter prefix">
    <option selected>GBP</option>

Answer №2

Instead of relying on complex JavaScript functions, opt for basic level regular expressions.

Regular expressions are great for string matching and validation purposes.

Let me break down the regular expression I came up with:

let regex = /([a-zA-Z]+),(USD|AUD|BTC|CAD|CHF|EUR|GBP|ETH|JPY|NZD|)$/;

() is used for grouping, [a-zA-Z] matches any alphabet (uppercase or lowercase), + means one or more occurrences, | indicates alternatives.

let regex = /([a-zA-Z]+),(USD|AUD|BTC|CAD|CHF|EUR|GBP|ETH|JPY|NZD|)$/;
let str = "Iamanexamplestring,BTC"; //
let result = regex.test(str);

if(result) {
} else {

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