Customize the Grid Offset in CSS like BootstrapCSS Grid Offset

I am attempting to replicate the offset feature in Bootstrap's desktop grid system, where a class like .col-md-offset-3 creates an offset using margin-left.

However, in my implementation found at this link, the CSS selector does not work as intended:

.col-offset-8 {margin-left ... }

Interestingly, both of these alternatives are successful:

div.col-offset-8 {margin-left ... }

col-4.col-offset-8 {margin-left ... } /*please note: multiple class selectors with no space */

Why is it that .col-offset-8 alone fails to work?

You can view my CodePen here.

@media all and (min-width:760px) {
  .row {margin:0 auto;overflow:hidden;}
  .row > div {margin:10px;overflow:hidden;float:left;display:inline-block;}
  .row {width:960px;}
  .col-8 {width:620px} .col-4 {width:300px}
  .col-12 {width:940px} .col-6 {width:460px}
  .col-offset-8 {
    margin-left:650px; /* = col-8 + margins */

/* for demo */
.row {background:#ccc}
.row > div {background:#eee; outline:1px solid #444}
p {font:24px/60px Arial;color:#000;text-align:center}
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-12">

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-4 col-offset-8">
    <p>col-4 offset-8</p>

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-8">
  <div class="col-4">

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-12">

Answer №1

The reason it's not functioning properly is due to the fact that the selector .row > div carries a higher level of specificity compared to .col-offset-8.

To be more specific, .row > div has a specificity value of 11, while .col-offset-8 holds a value of 10.

As a result, the margin: 10px from .row > div is overriding the margin-left.

You have the option to enhance the specificity of your selector from .col-offset-8 to .row .col-offset-8. By doing so, the margin-left will take precedence over margin: 10px.

Here is an Updated Example

.row .col-offset-8 {
  margin-left: 650px; /* = col-8 + margins */

On another note, you may find this tool useful for determining specificity levels.

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