Achieving Perfect Alignment in Website Layout using CSS and HTML

I have a customized CSS layout that was made for me, but I am no longer in contact with the original creator. I wanted to increase the size of a specific div (#rightcolumn) by 55px. To achieve this, I resized the iframe within the div and it automatically expanded as intended. However, this adjustment caused the banner (#topsection) to become slightly shorter, so I had to add 55px to its width, making it 1255px.

As a result, the page is now off-center. I have attempted to edit other floating commands to realign the content, but all my efforts have resulted in the divs appearing misplaced. After struggling for several days, I am reaching out for assistance with re-centering the elements on the page. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Test out the changes on this page: Serious Sports Bigger Link to the updated CSS file: CSS link

body {
b {
em {
#maincontainer {
    margin:0 auto;
#topsection {
#contentwrapper {
#contentcolumn {
    margin:0 360px 0 180px;
#leftcolumn {
#rightcolumn {
#footer {
    padding:4px 0;
#footer a {
.innertube {
.arrowgreen {
    border-style:solid solid none solid;
.arrowgreen ul {
.arrowgreen li a {
    font:bold 12px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background:transparent url( 100% 0;
    padding:4px 0 4px 10px;
.arrowgreen li a:link, .arrowgreen li a:visited {
.arrowgreen li a:hover {
    background-position:100% -32px;
.arrowgreen li a.selected {
    background-position:100% -64px;

Answer №1

Another important step is to update the DOCTYPE declaration to

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

Answer №2

#primarybox is sized at 1200px;, causing your elements to spill over. Here's a fix:

  width:1255px; margin:0 auto;

Answer №3

Consider including the following snippet:

html {
    padding: 20px;

Answer №4

The CSS code seems to be duplicated, it might be worth investigating.

Consider implementing the following CSS:

#maincontainer {
    width: 1255px;
    margin: 0 auto;

#contentwrapper {
    float: left;
    width: 1200px;

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