Assign a class to the "li" element containing an "a" tag with the specified href attribute

Is it possible to transform the "href" attribute of an element into a class or id like "li" for better css handling?

    <li><a href="#section3"><span class="fp-sr-only">due</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">due</div></li>
    <li><a href="#section4"><span class="fp-sr-only">due</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">tre</div></li>
    <li><a href="#section5"><span class="fp-sr-only">quattro</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">noBar</div></li>

In other words, can we change the structure to:

    <li class="section3"><a href="#section3"><span class="fp-sr-only">due</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">due</div></li>
    <li class="section4"><a href="#section4"><span class="fp-sr-only">due</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">tre</div></li>
    <li class="section5"><a href="#section5"><span class="fp-sr-only">quattro</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">noBar</div></li>

If you know a solution, please share. Thank you!

Answer №1

Is it possible to take the "href" attribute of an element and treat it like a class or id of "li" in order to style it with css?

Yes, you can achieve this using attribute selectors and jQuery's closest() method like so:

$('a[href="#section4"]').closest('li').css('background-color', 'green');
<script src=""></script>
    <a href="#section3">
      <span class="fp-sr-only">due</span>
    <div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">due</div>
    <a href="#section4">
      <span class="fp-sr-only">due</span>
    <div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">tre</div>
    <a href="#section5">
      <span class="fp-sr-only">quattro</span>
    <div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">noBar</div>

Answer №2

To easily style elements based on specific attributes, you can utilize a CSS attribute selector:

[data-key="section3"] {
    // your styles here

Another approach is to generate IDs dynamically using jQuery by extracting the href attribute:

const linkID = $('a').attr('href');
$('a').attr('id', linkID);

Answer №3

The functionality you are seeking is a parent selector, but unfortunately it has not been implemented yet. Once you have selected the <a /> element, navigating back up the DOM structure is not supported. Here are some alternatives to achieve your desired outcome:

  • Apply CSS directly to the anchor elements
  • Explore options for adding classes to the list element through the backend
  • Utilize JavaScript to dynamically add classes to the list element, as mentioned in an earlier response

Answer №4

$('ul li a').each(function(i)
       var href = $(this).attr('href'); // Grab the rel value
       var clsname = href.replace("#","");
<html class="has-navbar-fixed-top">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="js/test.js"></script>
    <li><a href="#section3"><span class="fp-sr-only">uno</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">uno</div></li>
    <li><a href="#section4"><span class="fp-sr-only">due</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">tre</div></li>
    <li><a href="#section5"><span class="fp-sr-only">quattro</span><span></span></a><div class="fp-tooltip fp-right">noBar</div></li>

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