Experiencing difficulty adjusting the width of a Tumblr post with JavaScript or jQuery?

Calling all coding experts! I've been working on customizing a Tumblr theme, and everything is looking good except for one issue. I'm struggling to adjust the width of photos on a permalink (post) page.

Check out this link: You'll notice that the image's container has a set width of 426px:

<div class="tw_post tw_post_get tw_post_photo ocean masonry-brick" id="tw_post_113115224219" data-post-id="113115224219" style="width: 426px; position: absolute; top: 30px; left: 0px;">

A similar issue is occurring with the Notes container next to the image:

<div class="tw_post tw_perma_post tw_share_block masonry-brick" style="width: 426px; position: absolute; top: 30px; left: 486px;">

I suspect that the "masonry-brick" class might be responsible for enforcing the width. But my attempts to override it using CSS haven't been successful - changing the width affects the homepage layout as well ()

I want the homepage to remain as it is, with 4 columns displaying images at 244px wide. However, I'd like the single post pages to show images at 100% width, along with other notes underneath displayed at full width. How can I achieve this? I need to modify the width and position of these containers.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The structure utilizes a JavaScript library called:

This library is responsible for adding the "masonry-brick" class to the elements.

If you have access to the JavaScript code for the layout, I recommend searching for the section that initializes the masonry layout. By locating this part of the code, you can adjust a setting to modify the width. Here is an example of what you might find:

  // options...
  isAnimated: true,
  columnWidth: 240

You can change the column width by adjusting this option. Altering this value will also impact the size of your images. For a complete list of all available options for masonry, visit:

I encourage you to experiment and test out different options until you achieve a result that satisfies you.

I hope this information proves helpful!

Answer №2

To enhance your single image page, insert the following jQuery code:

  1. $(".tw_post_photo").css({'width':'100%',top:'auto',left:'auto',position:'relative'})

    • This will adjust the image to fill 100% of the width
  2. $(".tw_share_block").css({top:'auto',left:'auto',position:'relative'})

    • Allowing the notes block to appear below the image

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