Can you provide guidance on how to showcase the chat date and time for each message in a webchat created with the bot framework SDKV4 using C#

I've successfully created a chatBot using bot framework SDKV4 in C# with the WebChannel as the channel. Everything is functioning properly, but I have a specific goal in mind:

For each message that the user types or the Bot replies to, I want a time stamp to be included. For instance, if we consider a simple echo bot where it echoes back what the user typed, the conversation might look like this:

User: Hi

a minute ago

Bot: You Typed Hi

2 minutes ago

In its current state, the Bot would display the time stamp as something generic like "JustNow" under each message in the WebChannel.

What I desire is to show the precise time:

User: Hi

10:00 AM

Bot: You typed: Hi

10:01 AM

If displaying only the time is not feasible, then showing the full date or both date and time is acceptable too. However, I am unsure how to accomplish this.

I did some research but couldn't find a definitive solution. Although I came across the following GitHub link, it led me to a 404 error page:

This was brought up in a Github issue post:

Since my bot uses a Web channel, I attempted to include the following style option in my index.html page: groupTimestamp: true

However, this didn't provide much assistance.

To clarify my concern further: When inspecting the Bot's page, I observed the following:

Currently, it shows "25 mins ago," whereas I aim to exhibit the exact time stamp directly above the one highlighted in the inspect image provided above.

Could someone please advise me on how to achieve my aforementioned request?

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,


Answer №1

If you're looking for a sample, check out this custom component demonstration. This showcases how you can customize the activity status and time stamp. Setting it up is quite straightforward, but depending on what changes you want to make, you may have to tweak some CSS styles.

I hope this helps!

Answer №2

To customize the Webchat StyleOptions, include the following attribute.

timestampFormat: 'absolute', 


Using 'absolute' will display the exact time like "August 3, 10:30 AM"

While 'relative' will show as "1 minute ago"


var styleOptions = {
        bubbleBackground: 'rgba(196, 196, 205, .3)',
        bubbleFromUserBackground: 'rgba(255, 230, 0, .3)',
        botAvatarImage: ChatImagePath + 'icon_round.png',
        botAvatarInitials: 'CB',
        userAvatarImage: ChatImagePath + 'user_icon.png',
        userAvatarInitials: 'YOU',
        hideUploadButton: true,
        timestampFormat: 'absolute', // 'relative'
        sendBoxButtonColorOnFocus: '#999999',
        sendBoxButtonColorOnHover: '#004E9A',
        sendBoxButtonColor: '#999999'
        directLine: directLine,
        locale: 'en-US',
        // Include 'styleOptions' when rendering Web Chat

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