"Usage of Wildcard in CSS Selectors for customizable path selection

When it comes to identifying elements using CSS selectors, I rely on a combination of path and attribute-based selectors for accurate results.

For instance:

div[attribute='test'] > div > div > div > span[attribute='test']

In most cases, only the first and last elements are crucial for correct identification. The lengthy path such as > div > div > div > may not be essential and could potentially change over time.

Is there a way to use a wildcard in place of the exact path to allow for more flexibility in selection?

For example:

div[attribute='test'] <wildcard> span[attribute='test']

If not, are there alternative techniques like XPath that can achieve this level of flexibility?

Answer №1

Instead of specifying a chain of child combinators, you can simply use a space (officially referred to as a descendant combinator):

The descendant combinator — often denoted by a single space character ( " " ) — links two selectors in such a way that elements matching the second selector are targeted if they have a preceding ancestor (parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc.) element that matches the first selector.

div[attribute='test'] span[attribute='test'] {

This particular selector picks out all

<span attribute="test">
elements that are offspring of a
<div attribute="test">
element, no matter how deeply nested the span may be inside the div.

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