Placing the date of each blog post at the end of the excerpt

Currently, there is a grid section on the homepage of our site showcasing the two most recent blog posts. I am looking for a Javascript solution to relocate the date to the bottom of each block, outside of the border. For reference, you can visit the following link:

Here is the current structure:

<div class="et_pb_column et_pb_column_4_4">

  <div class="et_pb_blog_grid_wrapper">
    <div class="et_pb_blog_grid clearfix et_pb_bg_layout_light blog-section" style="position: relative; height: 400px;">

    <article id="post-226" class="et_pb_post et_pb_no_thumb post-226 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;">

      <h2><a href="">What You Learned In Grad School is Ruining Your Website (and 10 ways to fix it)</a></h2>

        <p class="post-meta">  Jun 5, 2015  </p>Blog excerpt text...        
    </article> <!-- .et_pb_post -->

My goal is to have the move to the bottom of each block in the grid. While I have attempted some JavaScript solutions, here's what I have tried thus far:

$( ".post-meta:nth-child(1)" ).appendTo(".et_pb_post.et_pb_no_thumb:nth-    child(1)");
$( ".post-meta:nth-child(2)" ).appendTo(".et_pb_post.et_pb_no_thumb:nth-child(2)");

Additionally, another method I have explored is as follows:


if ($('body').hasClass('et_pb_blog_grid')) {
$('.et_pb_post p')
.each(function() {
  var n = jQuery(this).find(".post-meta").html();


Answer №1

No JavaScript is necessary for this task.

Simply adjust the template layout by relocating

<?php the_excerpt(); ?>

prior to the post date.


Access your website's homepage through the WordPress admin area and identify the template it utilizes.

Next, navigate to your theme's folder and locate the corresponding template file which should be labeled as follows:

  Template Name: Homepage

This is the file you will need to modify

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