Utilizing v-for and CSS Grid to showcase data effectively

I'm having trouble organizing my Vuex data with CSS GRID. It's turning out messy.

My setup includes two columns: the first one for labels and the second for values.


The code above is used to display labels, while below is used to display values:


Here is a snippet of my HTML structure:

      v-for='(item, idx) in $store.state.stepOne.textfield'
    ) {{$store.state.stepOne.textfield[idx].label}}
      v-for='(item, idx) in $store.state.stepOne.textfield'
    ) {{$store.state.stepOne.textfield[idx].value}}

For styling using CSS grid:

    display: grid
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr
    grid-template-rows: repeat(25, 1fr)
    grid-gap: 15px 15px
    margin: 0 auto 50px auto
    width: 700px
    justify-items: center

I aim to achieve a layout similar to the image shown here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ckRWG.png

Answer №1

I am not familiar with pug code, but you may be able to create something similar to this:

.display-data( v-for='(item, idx) in $store.state.stepOne.textfield' :key='idx' ) 
    span {{$store.state.stepOne.textfield[idx].label}}
    span {{$store.state.stepOne.textfield[idx].value}}

This type of approach could potentially be effective.

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