Tips for eliminating repetitiveness in situations such as BEM modifiers

As I delved into using my own adaptation of the BEM methodology, I encountered a roadblock with modifiers for nested elements.

The challenge at hand is changing the link color to red when product-desc-name has the mark class.
The snippet below illustrates the issue.

How can I achieve the desired style without redundancy in class names?

.product-desc {
  &-name {
    &.mark {
      /* this section is ugly */
      .product-desc-link {
        color: red;
<ul class="product-desc">
  <li class="product-desc-name">
    <a class="product-desc-link">Param1</a>
  <li class="product-desc-name mark"> <!--add class .mark-->
    <a class="product-desc-link">Param1</a>

Answer №1

One common drawback of BEM is the lack of a clear solution for certain issues, such as the one discussed here.

To address this issue, I propose renaming the classes to better reflect their purpose. For instance, the UL element could be renamed 'product-desc-list' and the LI element could be called 'product-desc', emphasizing that it represents a product description.

It's also important to consider the condition of the product when selecting elements, allowing for greater flexibility in using multiple blocks within one component.

The first step is defining the component, followed by specifying different states such as selected or in progress.

Below is an example to illustrate these concepts:

// Default styling for the product description.
.product-desc {
  &--link {
    text-decoration: underline;

// Styling for the product description in a marked state.
.mark {
    .product-description {
            font-weight: bold;
<ul class="product-desc-list">
  <li class="product-desc">
    <a class="product-desc--link">Param1</a>
  <li class="product-desc mark"> <!--add class .mark-->
    <a class="product-desc--link">Param1</a>

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