CSS inset box-shadow creates a gap between collapsed borders

I need help with a strange issue I'm facing. I have a table where border-collapse is set to collapse, and there's an unusual gap between the box-shadow inset and the border. The size of this gap increases as the border width gets larger. How can I fix this issue? This problem occurs specifically on Chrome.


<table class="theTable">
    <td class="weirdGap">
      unexpected space
      unexpected space


.theTable {
  border-collapse: collapse;


.weirdGap {
  box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px red;
  border: 5px solid blue;

View the jsFiddle example here

Answer №1

When using the border-collapse property, you have the option to either collapse all of the table borders into a single border or leave them detached as in standard HTML format. For more information and examples on how to utilize this property, visit developer.mozilla.org/.../border-collapse.

Answer №2

The issue at hand persists, but here's a workaround that could be effective depending on your requirements: Instead of utilizing border-collapse: collapse;, consider creating all the table borders using box-shadow:

    inset 1px 0 black,
    inset 0 1px black,
    1px 0 0 0 black,
    0 1px 0 0 black,
    1px 1px 0 0 black;

By doing this, you'll notice that the borders on the right and bottom will extend beyond the cell's boundaries while those on the top and left will remain contained within the box. When combined with cell-spacing: 0, adjacent box borders will overlap, producing a similar outcome to using border-collapse: collapse. For achieving specific visual effects, you can incorporate additional box shadows as needed, but remember to include all existing shadows to retain desired styles (In case different rules apply box-shadow properties to the same cell, they won't merge automatically and you must manually combine them).

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