Unleash the power of jQuery by incorporating the Ajax functionality with a hover option to enhance user interactivity. Utilize the .ajax

On my website, I have a calendar displayed with dates like "11/29/2014" stored in an attribute called "data-date". The goal is to check the server for a log file corresponding to that date and change the CSS of the div on mouse hover.

Here is the current code snippet:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var lab = $( ".label.day" ).hover(
    function() { 
      dd = $(this).attr("data-date").split("/");
      ddo = $(this).attr("data-date");
      dday = ("0" + (dd[1])).slice(-2);
      dmonth = ("0" + (dd[0])).slice(-2);
      dyear = dd[2];
      url = "logs/log." + dyear + "-" + dmonth + "-" + dday;
        type: 'HEAD',
        url: url,
        error: function(xhr, status, error) {
        success: function(xhr, status, error) {
      $(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, settings, thrownError) {
        if ( thrownError == "Not Found" ) {
          $(".label.day").filter(ddo).addClass( "error" );
    }, function() {
      $(".label.day").filter(ddo).addClass( "noerror" );
<div data-date="1/16/2014" class="label day " original-title="Quinta" style="display: block;">16</div>

I'm facing issues where I can't individually change the class for each div. Without the .filter method, it alters all the divs and using .attr("data-date") doesn't seem to work either.

Answer №1

It appears that there are a number of concerns with your current script:

  1. The URL specified does not have any data being passed to it through the data object in the $.ajax() function. Additionally, make sure to define the expected type of data (dataType) being received (JSON, plain text, etc.).
  2. Consider utilizing deferred objects and promises to monitor the status of the AJAX call.
  3. Implement context by using $(this) within your hover function so you can specifically target elements for modification without requiring additional filtering.
  4. Using HEAD as a value for the type parameter in the AJAX call is incorrect. Choose between POST or GET based on how the destination script processes incoming information. Refer to this helpful guide for clarification: Here's a good guide.
  5. Instead of using hover, listen for mouseover events when adding classes corresponding to the AJAX request status, rather than toggling between mouseover and mouseout.
  6. When declaring functions, use var to limit them within the scope of the function and prevent global variable pollution.

A revised code snippet is provided below, but please note that it may not be functional until more details regarding your method of querying the server are provided:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.label.day').on('mouseover', function() {
        // Cache $(this)
        var $t = $(this);

        // Reset class
        $t.removeClass('error noerror');

        // Declare variables within function scope (not global)
        var dd = $t.attr("data-date").split("/"),
            ddo = $t.attr("data-date"),
            dday = ("0" + (dd[1])).slice(-2),
            dmonth = ("0" + (dd[0])).slice(-2),
            dyear = dd[2],
            url = "logs/log." + dyear + "-" + dmonth + "-" + dday;

        // Perform AJAX call
        var $check = $.ajax({
            type: 'POST', //or "GET"
            url: url;

        // jQuery deferred object
        $check.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
            // If AJAX request failed and returned an error

        }).done(function(data) {
            // If AJAX request is successful


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