Utilizing inline styles with the asset pipeline feature in Rails

<%= link_to root_path do %>
    <div class="">
        <div style="background-image:<%= image_tag " image1.png "%>">

<% end %>

My goal is to extract images from the asset pipeline in order to use them as backgrounds. While I could accomplish this through the .sass file, I have chosen to create a template for each one for a more streamlined process.

<div style="background-image:<%= image_tag "image1.png"%>">
This particular line is where I am uncertain about the syntax being used.

Answer №1

Substitute path_to_image to obtain an img tag, for something that gives you the URL for the image1 file, experiment with path_to_image:

<div style="background-image: <%= path_to_image 'image1' %>"></div>

Answer №2

When opting for a non-inline style approach, you have the option to utilize image-path in your .scss file.

In your html.erb file:

<div class="custom-background"></div>

Inside your .scss file:

.custom-background {
 background-image: image-path('image1.png');

Answer №3

When using ERB with the asset pipeline, you can use asset_path 'image.png' to get the full path of an image in one of the asset load paths. This path can then be used inside a url() function. An example of how this can be implemented in an inline div is:

<div style="background-image: url(<%= asset_path 'image1.png' %>)">

For more information, refer to: CSS and ERB (pay attention to the underscore (_) in the asset_path helper)

If Sass is being used, there are helpful helpers that can make the code more concise:

  • image-url("rails.png") will return url(/assets/rails.png)
  • image-path("rails.png") will return "/assets/rails.png"

The following more generic form is also available:

  • asset-url("rails.png") will return url(/assets/rails.png)
  • asset-path("rails.png") will return "/assets/rails.png"

For further details, visit: CSS and Sass (note the dash (-) in the above helpers)

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