The sweetalert 2 input field is unresponsive or disabled within a materializecss modal, making it impossible to type in

My modal includes a SweetAlert2 popup when I click the "add bills" button. The code for this feature is from their documentation, so I don't believe the issue lies there. However, I am experiencing a problem where the input field is not type-able and appears disabled. Could this be an error on the MaterializeCSS side?

Just to provide some context, I am using the MaterializeCSS framework and have come across a similar issue reported by someone using Bootstrap in an article I read.

    $(".btnAddBills").click(function(event) {  
    input: 'text',
    confirmButtonText: 'Next →',
    showCancelButton: true,
    progressSteps: ['1', '2', '3']
    title: 'Question 1',
    text: 'Chaining swal2 modals is easy'
'Question 2',
'Question 3'
]).then((result) => {
    if (result.value) {
            title: 'All done!',
            'Your answers: <pre><code>' +
            JSON.stringify(result.value) +
            confirmButtonText: 'Lovely!'


Answer №1

Identifying the Issue An issue arose from the bootstrap modal accessibility control code, which can be reviewed at Modal Accessibility Tab Control. This code enforced focus on the Bootstrap modal whenever it was moved away from another element (in this case, a SweetAlert Modal) on the page.

Solution The workaround is straightforward- removing the focus event.

To resolve in Bootstrap 4, add the following code to your JS:

$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype._enforceFocus = function() {};

In Bootstrap 3, use the following code in your JS:

$('#myModal').on('', function() {

Answer №2

When using bootstrap 5,

To prevent focus on modal, use data-bs-focus="false"

<div class="modal fade" id="global_modal_fullscreen" data-bs-focus="false" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">

Answer №3

Disabling tabindex

One possible way to address this issue is by disabling the tabindex attribute within the bootstrap modal. This action will ensure that the sweetAlert2 modal does not lose focus.

Answer №4

Experiencing difficulties with entering text in SweetAlert2 while using a Material-UI Drawer in React? Here's how you can solve it:

The issue stems from the focus management of MUI Drawer/Modal. To fix it, apply the disableEnforceFocus property to the drawer/modal. When set to true, this allows the drawer to lose focus, enabling text input.

Keep in mind that this change may impact accessibility for users relying on screen readers. Proceed with consideration.

Check out the following code snippet for implementation -

<Drawer id="drawer" anchor="right" open={true} **disableEnforceFocus**
    <MyComponent/>//SweetAlert is used inside this component

This same property should also help resolve any similar issues with MUI Modal.

Answer №5

When working with [email protected], I found a solution by disabling the focus option on the Modal object. Here's an example:

const modalContainer = document.getElementById("claim-request-detail-modal");
const claimRequestModal = new bootstrap.Modal(modalContainer, {focus: false});

You can find more information on this in the documentation at

Answer №6

When working with Bootstrap 4, you can customize modal focus enforcement by using the following code:

$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype._enforceFocus = function() {};

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