Utilizing two distinct CSS frameworks within a single Rails application

At the moment, I have an application with its frontend built using Bootstrap 3 (leveraging the bootstrap-rails gem). Now, I am looking to incorporate the Materialize.css framework into the same app. After downloading the Materialize.css stylesheet, my concern is how to integrate these two frameworks seamlessly. I've added the Materialize.css stylesheet requirement in my Application.scss file like this:

*= require 'materialize'

However, it appears that the current styles are conflicting, with Bootstrap and Materialize.css trying to override each other. Is there a way to make them complement each other, or should I consider creating a separate Application.html file for the sections where I intend to use the second CSS framework? Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Since you are currently utilizing the bootstrap gem in your application, I recommend selectively choosing specific elements from materialize instead of integrating the entire framework. Obtain the sass version of materialize and import only the components you require.

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