Unforeseen issues arise when working with CSS selectors

Exploring CSS with a series of buttons and encountering some unusual behavior. Here's the code:


Let me share the snippets for Pug Script and Sass file:

Pug Script

            h1 Hover Buttons
            p A small variation of buttions I made.
            p Made by <a href="https://codepen.io/buoyantair">@buoyantair</a>
        button.btn Hello
        button.btn-ghost World
        button.btn-pill Cat
        button.btn-fall Kitty
        button.btn-hang World
        button.btn-wobble Cat

Sass file

    =flex($direction, $position)
        display: flex
        flex-flow: $direction
        justify-content: $position

    // Animations
    @keyframes pill
            left: 100%
            left: -100%

Noticing some oddities, particularly around the usage of selectors like button.btn ~ [class*="-fall"]. While this works for the first row, it behaves differently for the second row. Attempted alternative selector options like button[class*="-fall"] and [class*="-fall"], which performed as expected. Seeking guidance on why certain selectors are causing inconsistencies. Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If the button.btn ~ [class*="-fall"] selector is failing, it could be due to the fact that the only [class*="-fall"] element is the first child within its parent container .row. In your Pug code snippet, this can be observed here:

    button.btn-fall Kitty
    button.btn-hang World
    button.btn-wobble Cat

The reason why button.btn[class*="-fall"] is not working is because the buttons lack the exact "btn" class. Although they do possess a class beginning with "btn", it is not simply "btn". Consequently, .btn-fall may match, but not .btn.

To simplify matters, you might consider assigning two classes to each button instead of one combined class:

    button.btn Hello
    button.btn.ghost World
    button.btn.pill Cat
    button.btn.fall Kitty
    button.btn.hang World
    button.btn.wobble Cat

This way, all buttons will carry the "btn" class, allowing for the use of two class selectors for element matching rather than depending on an attribute substring selector, which is less conventional.

However, if every button is going to possess the "btn" class regardless, having it included may be redundant in the end.

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