Utilizing CSS selectors to pinpoint specific elements on a webpage

As I continue to enhance my CSS skills, I stumbled upon a challenging puzzle that requires me to figure out how to select each individual image on a webpage using selectors. Here is the provided HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    @keyframes spin{

    /*CSS Selector goes here*/{
      animation-name: spin;
    <header>My Tutorial 3</header>
    <img src="H:\ASECOND YEAR\Web Tutorial 3\harley.jpg" />

      <header>About this tutorial</header>
      In this tutorial I need to make a picture spin for ever...
      <img src="H:\ASECOND YEAR\Web Tutorial 3\hellcat.jpg" />

    <footer>my footer
      <img src="H:\ASECOND YEAR\Web Tutorial 3\smiley.jpg" /></footer>   

After some trial and error, I discovered that I can target the image within the article by using article img, however, I struggled to select the other images. I attempted to use header~img in hopes of selecting the first image based on its preceding header tag, but it ended up spinning both the first and second image. Likewise, using img:nth-of-type(2) did not select the last image as I anticipated (index starting at 0). Can someone provide guidance on the correct selectors to use in order to isolate each image individually? Selectors can indeed be quite tricky to master.

Furthermore, I managed to identify a way to target the last image by utilizing footer img, although using img:last-child unexpectedly affected the middle and last images with the spinning animation.

Answer №1

Let's start by examining the selectors you attempted that did not meet your expectations:

  • header ~ img - The ~ selector is known as the general sibling selector and it picks all img tags that have header as a previous sibling. Both the first and second images have a header element before them under the same parent, so both are selected.

  • img:nth-of-type(2) - The nth-* selectors only work among elements sharing the same parent. The second and third img tags are within different parents (article and footer respectively). As a result, since the parent of the first img has only one element, it doesn't match the nth-of-type(2) selector.

  • img:last-child - The last-child selector picks the img that is the last child in every parent. The first img is not the last child under its parent (body) because there are more elements following it, hence it is not selected. The second and third img tags are indeed the last child elements under the article and footer respectively, so they are selected.

Now, if you want to select each individual image, there are different ways to do so. Here's how you can achieve it based on your current markup:

  • The first img can be selected with body > header + img.
  • The second img can be selected with article > header + img or article img.
  • The third img can be selected with footer > img or footer img.

The important part of the first two selectors is what comes before the header + img as it narrows down the selection. The first selector picks only img elements following a header with body as their parent. Similarly, the second selector picks only img tags following a header with article as their common parent.

In the code snippet below, these selectors are used to apply different colored borders to each img element, demonstrating how they function:

body > header + img {
  border: 2px solid red;
article > header + img {
  border: 2px solid green;
footer > img {
  border: 2px solid blue;
<header>My Tutorial 3</header>
<img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/nature/1" />

  <header>About this tutorial</header>
  In this tutorial I need to make a picture spin for ever...
  <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/nature/2" />

<footer>my footer
  <img src="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/nature/3" />

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