What is the best way to make a div expand to the full width of the screen while still being contained within its parent div?

I am facing an issue with the black bar at the bottom of the slider not stretching full-width on the screen. While it works fine on the left, the right side is cut off at the container edge. I am using Master Slider if that's relevant information. Can anyone provide tips on how I can make that black bar stretch all the way across?

Answer №1

In order to resolve the problem

  1. Eliminate the tranform property from the div with the class ms-slide ms-sl-selected
  2. Get rid of the width property from the div with the class ms-layer. Since the div is absolutely positioned, set the values of left and right to 0 to make it full width
  3. Delete the properties max-width and left from the div having the class ms-slide-layers

While I believe that the structure is not ideal, the placement of relative positions within absolute ones can lead to issues. However, implementing the aforementioned fixes may help avoid starting from scratch.

Answer №2

Some specific classes such as ms-slide-layers, ms-inner-controls-cont, and ms-layer are set with fixed values for properties like left, width, and, notably in this scenario, max-width.

In my opinion, using the viewport width unit, vw, would greatly enhance this situation. By specifying width: 100vw;, you essentially instruct it to take up the full width of the viewport.

Additionally, there is no need for setting excessive padding and margin values like 9999px. By opting for position: absolute on the layer, setting bottom: 0, and applying appropriate padding along with aligning the text appropriately, a much cleaner and improved outcome can be achieved.

Answer №3

To begin, give the parent element a non-static position. Next, set the black bar's position to absolute in order for it to be positioned relative to its closest parent element with a defined position. After that, adjust the size either by manipulating the height and width properties or by specifying top, bottom, left, and right positions. If opting for directional positions, ensure to set both left and right values simultaneously to make the black bar stretch across the entire screen.

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