How can the background of a div be altered when text is typed into an input field?

I need help with the following code. I want to be able to change the background color of a div with the class "target_bg" from red (default) to green every time someone enters or types text into the input field.

<div class="target_bg"></div>
<input placeholder="Search for Restaurants..." 
class="search_field" name="" type="text">

I have been looking for a solution, but so far I have only found methods to change the background of the input field itself.

Answer №1

In case of utilizing jQuery:

$('.search_field').on('input', function() {

Answer №2

Here's a simple solution using vanilla JavaScript

const backgroundElement = document.querySelector('.target_bg');
const inputElement = document.querySelector('.search_field');

inputElement.oninput = function() { = 'green'; };
.target_bg {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  background: red;
<div class="target_bg"></div>
<input placeholder="Search for Restaurants..." class="search_field" name="" type="text">

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