Utilize CSS Steps to incorporate the initial position

I'm experimenting with CSS steps to create a unique visual effect resembling a "light board". The setup involves a column of 18 divs acting as individual "bulbs", with an animation that positions a div behind each one to simulate a "lit up bulb."

The keyframes I have defined are:

@keyframes strobe{

The animation is configured as:

animation:strobe 2s steps(18, start) infinite;

Currently, the animation skips the initial position. I have also attempted using 0% - 100% for the keyframes without success.

How can I ensure that the initial position is included in the steps? And what might be causing this issue?

I have provided a fiddle for reference. Please note that I am still fine-tuning it for responsiveness, so the display may not show as intended with 18 divs across.


Answer №1

Experimenting with the violin, I decided to switch start for end and it appears to be successful.

animation:strobe 2s steps(18, end) infinite;

Link to Fiddle

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