Is it possible to enable table scrolling within Semantic-UI-React by utilizing Next.js?

My issue involves a wide table in the Grid component with a width of 16 on mobile resulting in strange behavior.

If you view my work in progress at the following URL, you'll notice that every component is responsive on mobile except for the stretched table. Take a look on your phone and zoom in to see what I mean:

I'm aiming for the table to fit into the mobile view like the other components and be scrollable (users can swipe right and left for more details).

Check out this website for an example of the desired result:

On that site, everything is responsive, and the table is scrollable.

I think there might be a way to achieve this using Semantic-UI-React through some sort of augmentation:

 import { Table } from "semantic-ui-react";

Table as={*some sort of styled div} 

I've experimented with a few styled divs without success, such as:

style={{overflow: 'auto'}}

Answer №1

To create a container with specified height, simply place the table inside a div and apply the following styles:


.container__table {
  height: 290px;
  overflow-y: scroll;  /* or auto */


<div className="container__table">                                        
     <--- your table --->

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