Using Three.js to generate a CSS3DObject containing an HTML iframe from a different origin results in an error

The HTML code snippet below incorporates Three.js for creating a 3D scene and rendering it with CSS. It includes two separate HTML files: index.html and moo.html.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en>

<script src="js/Three.js"></script>
<script src="js/CSS3DRenderer2.js"></script>
<script src="js/THREEx.WindowResize.js"></script>

<div id="ThreeJS" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px"></div>
    var container, scene, camera, renderer, controls, stats;
    var rendererCSS;


    function init() {
        // Initialization of the scene, camera, and renderer
        // Creation and positioning of an iframe within the scene

    function animate() {
        // Function to handle animation through rendering

    function render() {
        // Render the CSS3D and WebGL scenes



<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>hello world!</h1>

This code demonstrates the use of iframes in a Three.js environment where changing the source link can result in different visual outputs.

It is possible to create cross-domain iframes, which allows you to embed content from external sources securely.

Answer №1

A solution using an iFrame is possible, but it may not be the most efficient option in THREEJS. Consider exploring alternative methods that could provide faster and more effective results.

In order to see successful outcomes, you will need to set up a server on your localhost or use a development server. I have created a JSFIDDLE with code that should work on a server for reference.


The concept is straightforward: retrieve data from a valid JSON object without relying on jQuery to parse a remote file (although you can).

You can then iterate over the JSON object using a for loop:

for (var i = 0; i < json.projectData.length; i ++)

This code can be found on line 125 of the fiddle. Below the loop, you will see how to extract information from the JSON object:

// Individual Element Creation
var element = document.createElement( 'div' );
element.className = 'element';

// Individual Element Picture Creation
var logo = document.createElement( 'div' );
logo.className = 'logo';
logo.innerHTML = "<img src='" +json.projectData[i].projectLogo + "'>";                  

element.appendChild( logo );

Using a JSON object provides flexibility in presenting data, especially when working directly with CSS elements like images.

If dealing with JSON objects seems overwhelming, consider this workflow:

Generate a JSON object programmatically using: . The link contains the logic used to generate data for the example.

Verify the validity of the JSON object using an online JSON validator. Search "JSON Validator" on Google for reliable options.

Once you confirm its validity, incorporate it into your JavaScript scene by encapsulating it within a global variable tag. Refer back to the provided Fiddle for additional guidance.

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