Flexbox can be incorporated with a slide down animation to create

Currently I am attempting to replicate the "slideUp" and "slideDown" features in jQuery while utilizing a flexbox for display!

jQuery.fn.toggleFlexbox = function() {
    var elm = $(this[0]);
    if(elm.css('display') === "none"){
        elm.css('display', '-webkit-flex');

I have made some progress with this (the code above currently functions but does not slide when toggling from "none" to "-webkit-flex"). I attempted the following:

elm.animate({"display":"-webkit-flex"}, 1000);

Unfortunately, this approach did not work at all - no animation or error message.

The reason behind this effort is that I want all elements with the class "Settings" to load initially as display flex, then hide them using:


However, it seems that applying flexbox is not successful when I try to slide down the Settings section. Oddly enough, if I navigate to another page and return, everything works as intended... very strange!

Interestingly, I am unable to reproduce this issue in Fiddler.... http://jsfiddle.net/FzqA7/ ..

Answer №1

It seems like you might be dealing with a similar issue to one I encountered in the past. Only half of the animation would work after it was initiated, for example, slideUp wouldn't work if slide down was already triggered and vice versa.

To solve this problem, I added a "return" statement after the first iteration of the animation, especially since it was triggered by a click event where ending the function was necessary for multiple scenarios.

You could try implementing the following code:

jQuery.fn.toggleFlexbox = function() {
    var elm = $(this[0]);
    if(elm.css('display') === "none"){
        elm.css('display', '-webkit-flex');
    } else {

I hope this helps clarify things for you. Let me know if I misunderstood your question!

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